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Natural Wonders
of Martinique

Biodiversity in Martinique

Enchanting setting

From its mountain peaks to its sandy, palm-fringed shores, Martinique is home to a multitude of plant and animal species. If you love nature and the great outdoors, you will be amazed by what awaits you in Martinique. With its wide variety of landforms and microclimates, our island is a place of incredible biodiversity.  

photo vue du ciel de la forêt flore_martinique

Animal paradise

Animal Life in Martinique

In Martinique, amazing creatures inhabit every corner of land and sea. One that the island is particularly well known for is the hummingbird. 

This symbol of grace, agility and delicateness is always a magical sight. Just marvel at the hummingbird’s airborne ballet amid the tropical flowers. In fact, did you know that Martinique provides habitat to more than 200 species of birds?

photo d'un colibri dans le jardin de balata Colibri_balata

Beneath the sea

Our Waters & Our Turtles, Fish, Dolphins and Whales

Sea turtles are the stars of our underwater world. Green, hawksbill and leatherback sea turtles can all be found in the waters of Martinique and these majestic ocean wanderers hold a special place in our hearts. Today, these creatures are endangered and protecting them is a priority for us. 

Our seabed is teeming with unsuspected natural treasures. The coral reefs hide a whole host of fish of different shapes and colors, as well as some unusual shellfish and starfish, too. 

Further offshore, dolphins and whales also honor us with their presence, coming to the warm and calm waters of Martinique to reproduce and birth.

From land and marine mammals to insects, fish, amphibians and birds, Martinique is a veritable sanctuary, with several hundred animal species living in its waters. 

Come and dive
tortue plage martinique tortue_1

Animals typical

Lesser Antillean Iguana

Although most of the animals typically found in Martinique were introduced by humans over the centuries, several endemic species can still be seen. However, their presence on the island is fragile and limited only to certain areas, like for example the Lesser Antillean iguana (also known as the Iguana delicatissima), which you can see on Chancel island. 

The Matoutou falaise

The Matoutou Falaise, a tarantula with a bluish sheen that can reach up to 20 cm in size (that’s right, 20 cm!)  – is another endemic species that is today endangered.The tropical forests in the north of the island are where you are most likely to sight one. Last but not least, there is the Trigonocephalus or Bothrops lanceolatus, a venomous snake with a distinctive triangular head. 

Those afraid of spiders and snakes need not worry, though – both the Matoutou falaise and the Trigonocephalus are discreet species that seek tranquility above all else.

The manicou

If you are driving, make sure you take care; animals can jump out of nowhere, like our famous manicou – a small cat-sized marsupial – or the mongoose, which though cute is a formidable predator responsible for the disappearance of many endemic birds.

photo représentant la flore Martiniquaise flore_martinique_1

Kingdom of Plants

Plant Life in Martinique

Martinique’s every landscape is a uniquely stunning gift of nature. In fact, its other name is Madinina meaning “island of flowers”. As you drive along roads lined with coconut palms, fields of sugarcane and banana trees, you'll be amazed by the huge variety of vegetation that abounds in Martinique.

For a start, there are the tropical flowers – like alpinia, birds of paradise, balisiers and torch ginger – which make a fabulous sight with their incredible shapes and rainbow of colors. Not forgetting the queen of queens, the hibiscus, which is also one of the favorite flowers of the hummingbird.

From majestic palms to imposing fruit trees such as the mango or avocado, we also have many remarkable species of trees for you to discover, including some strange-shaped ones, like the strangler fig and the kapok tree. One of the most spectacular is the famous saman or rain tree, which will astonish you with its 2.5 meter-wide trunk and the serene feeling you get when you stand beneath it.

photo d'une fleur alpinia dans le jardin de balata Alpinia_flore_martinique
photo d'une fleur rose de porcelaine rose_de_porcelaine_flore_martinique_1

The island of a thousand panoramas - An lilet épi anlo bel koté 

The island of a thousand panoramas - An lilet épi anlo bel koté 

The Joys of the Rainforest

Rainforest, Mangroves and their Secrets

foret tropicale

The Rainforest

In the north of the island, take a trip to the heart of the tropical rainforest.

This cool, wet environment with its gently lapping rivers, has luxuriant vegetation for you to discover, like creeper-laden trees measuring over 40 meters tall, impressive tree ferns, weird parasitic plants that grow on other plants – and so many other marvels of nature.

A trip to the rainforest promises to be an immersive experience that stimulates all your senses.

kayak mangrove

The mangroves

Another natural environment of remarkable beauty is the mangrove forest. This unique and essential ecosystem supports a vast array of marine and terrestrial species. Take a boat or kayak to explore its winding channels and discover the incredible mangrove trees whose tangled roots are submerged in salt water. 

The mangrove tree is essential for the preservation of various species. Fish lay their eggs in its intertwined roots where they are protected from predators. So as well as a nursery, it is a real refuge. Many birds can also be observed here, as well as hermit crabs and our adorable fiddler crabs.

Beautiful but Fragile: Handle with Care

Protected Natural Spaces

Our natural heritage needs protecting. As a Caribbean island, Martinique is one of 36 global biodiversity hotspots. In other words, its biodiversity is recognized as one of the richest on the planet and also one of the most endangered.
The people of Martinique are aware of this vulnerability and attach great importance to preserving their natural heritage, with many protected natural areas.

The sites belonging to the Martinique Regional Nature Park and the island’s nature reserves (that of Caravelle Peninsula in the north and Sainte Anne in the south), play a key role in preserving our ecosystems, raising public awareness and in scientific research.
From beaches, forests and mangroves to the underwater world, it is our island as a whole that must be preserved if we want to ensure the long-term survival of our biodiversity.

photo de la montagne pelée Montagne pelée

Protection &

Protecting Martinique’s Ecosystem
Together, let’s preserve the island’s fragile balance. This is no trivial matter because many animal and plant species are today threatened with extinction in Martinique.


When it comes to preserving biodiversity, the island faces many issues, such as global warming, pollution, waste management and raising awareness on environmental protection.

Martinique is resolutely engaged in conservation work and has a number of environmental projects underway. More and more of our different tourism operators are also committed to an eco-responsible, environmentally friendly approach in order to offer you a green and authentic experience on our island.

During your stay, please act responsibly by not wasting water, turning off air conditioning when you leave your accommodation, not leaving waste behind in nature, buying local products and respecting the rules in natural areas.

Together, let’s preserve the beauty of our island sanctuary. 

cote plage
nature martinique

To fill up on nature