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Randonnée Pédestre : Montagne Pelee Par L'aileron

le morne-rouge

Inspiring experience

The island's highest peak, La Pelée is a world-famous volcano, a majestic natural monument with an exceptional biodiversity.
From a landscape point of view, when the summits of the 1902, 1929 and Chinese cones are revealed from their clouds, the scenery is sumptuous.
The walk allows you to observe the high-altitude savannah with its special plant life made up of Aralie montagne, cré-cré, bromeliads, low ferns and other species.
Part of the loop starts at the Aileron car park (1st refuge) in Morne Rouge, 13 km north-east of St Pierre via the RN2, RN3 and D39. The car park is at the end of the D39.
For the less experienced, you can hike to the 2nd refuge and back for 4 hours.


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Randonnée Pédestre : Montagne Pelee Par L'aileron

le morne-rouge